Esparar MPC🌾Rural Rising

Farmers, landless workers, and professionals in Antique co-operate to evolve a dynamic entity dedicated to enhancing the lives of its members and the broader community.

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Chandy's Farm Model

Exploring Chandy's Integrated Farm in Panit-an, Capiz, a beacon of innovative farming and sustainability in the Philippines.

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FICCO plays AgriTech Catalyst

Misamis Oriental, with FICCO at its core, is on the brink of an agricultural revolution, as it integrates Indonesian agricultural technology to enhance food production and ensure food security.

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Green lessons from Mi Oh My Farms

Caring for the future of humanity means caring for the future of our food. Food security is not just a global issue; it's a moral imperative.

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Mayani and Iskaparate: kindred spirits for 1Coop Marketplace

The name Mayani is a fitting tribute to the farmers and fisherfolk who work hard to provide us with food. It is also a reminder of the importance of agriculture and the need to support sustainable farming practices, while the founders of Iskaparate wanted to create a digital version of the tiangge.

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Patronage unites Principles and People

Patronage in cooperatives is more than just a financial transaction. It's a reflection of cooperative principles in action, a testament to the values that guide these remarkable organizations, and a way to strengthen the bond among members.

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Dear Arla and AI

Arla is a cooperative, which means that it is owned by the farmers who supply the milk. This means that they have a direct say in how the company is run and how the profits are shared. They also have a strong commitment to animal welfare, environmental sustainability and quality standards.

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Finally! Empowering co-op farmers

The advent of an online marketplace tailored for farmers who are members of cooperatives has far-reaching implications. It's not merely a platform for buying and selling; it's a mechanism for community-building, sustainability, empowerment, and innovation.

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