The Make House: A New Fabric of Business

In the charming city of Victoria, BC, a creative transformation story has been woven by The Make House. What began as a humble sole proprietorship has blossomed into a vibrant worker co-operative, redefining the essence of community-driven business.

From Solo to Solidarity

The journey of The Make House is a testament to the power of collective vision. Faced with the prospect of the business being sold, the team united to reimagine its future. The transition to a co-operative model wasn't just a business decision; it was a pledge to deepen community roots and embrace democratic decision-making.

The shift to a co-op model was fueled by a desire to root deeply in community values.

The Cooperative Impact

This transition has not only reshaped The Make House’s business ethos but also its impact on the community. The cooperative focuses on three key areas: community engagement, economic impact, and ecological responsibility. From hosting classes to promoting local economic activities and emphasizing sustainable practices, The Make House stands as a beacon of cooperative spirit.

Pearls of Wisdom

The Make House's transformation journey offers valuable lessons in patience, perseverance, and the importance of embracing new learning curves. Their story is not just about business, but about stitching a new social fabric based on cooperation, community, and sustainability.

Explore and Connect

Inspired by The Make House's story? Check out their fascinating journey in detail at "Each For All" to see how they're crafting a cooperative future.

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